Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The beginning of a journey. Together.

Hello everyone, my name is Keely. This is the first of a long journey myself and my fiancé have decided to go on. A journey to get ourselves to a healthy life.

A little about us: We met 2 years ago and recently we have welcomed our beautiful daughter into the world. When we met I was weighing in at 150 lbs. I had a job that required me to sit in a small room and I gained a lot of weight. And then we got pregnant. When I found out, I was 200 lbs! I felt awful, and by the time I delivered I was 260!! I was crushed! 110 pound weight gain in a year! I was not the only one who packed on the pregnancy pounds though. David also had a significant weight gain, though his didn't come until after we came home from the hospital. He has totaled out to a 40 pound weight gain. We finally decided it was time!

The game plan: I decided since we did have a new baby the best weight loss video to try would be T25. But as a pre diet I began eating healthy and taking the Garcinia Cambogia and the Green Coffee diet pills along with drinking Zija Smart mix. My post baby weight was 240 pounds. I'm happy to say after loosing the water weight and  my pre diet, 10 weeks later I am now 228 pounds!!

So with all this being said. Join us as we take the journey to get our dream bodies, with the help of T25 and Zija!